Support federal bid-listing legislation! Ask your member of the U.S. House of Representatives to co-sponsor H.R. 1778, to end practices like post-award bid shopping and bid peddling on federal construction projects. |
Construction generates billions of dollars in revenues every year … and government generates countless regulations and legislation that complicate the business of construction. ASA is YOUR voice in Washington and your state houses. Legislators and decision makers hear ASA on issues that affect business conditions for all subcontractors and suppliers.
Members of ASAT and the 5 local chapters: ASA of Houston, ASA North Texas, ASA of San Antonio, ASA Rio Grande Valley and Heart of Texas ASA enjoy the benefits of their chapter and also, hold membership in TCA, the Texas Construction Association ( We are the voice of subcontractors in Texas, with over 400 companies. ASA’s powerful voice in the construction industry for more than 40 years has improved business conditions for subcontractors and suppliers. ASA fights the big battles FOR YOU on issues such as insurance, retainage, standard contract language, prompt payment, bid shopping and more.
The Contractors’ Knowledge Depot is your ASA source for educational products on contract management, human resources, finances and more. On-demand videos, manuals, audio podcasts and other resources are produced to address issues from the subcontractor/supplier perspective. The Contractors’ Knowledge Bank provides a powerful tool with FREE access to hundreds of documents that cover virtually ALL construction-related topics.
Each Chapter in Texas meets regularly with monthly meetings designed to bring members together for education, and networking. ASAT at large members can attend any of the monthly meetings in the local chapters. The annual convention held in Austin is designed to bring all Texas members together with presentation topics targeting issues of importance to members. Nationally, ASA meets for the Business Forum and Annual Convention and Champions Academy, to provide exceptional learning and networking opportunities to improve your business.
Association Managers Francie Dix and Mike Brittain are professionals who are committed to helping ASAT members realize the full value of their membership. From the National scope. ASA staff members are knowledgeable professionals experienced in the construction industry. We understand the needs of subcontractors and suppliers. Highly accessible and driven to serve our members, we will help you to find the answers you need to successfully run your business.
Your subscription to The Contractor’s Compass will keep you up to date on the latest developments, trends and economic news in the industry. ASA Today is emailed weekly, giving ASA members the hottest business tips and news from Washington and the construction industry. You get an advantage over your competitors who don’t have ASA on their side!
All members receive complimentary listings in this online resource that is made available FREE on the Internet, ( It is a networking and advertising tool that will give your company extra exposure and visibility to the construction industry!